Plan your visit to Pistoia Zoo
Every time you visit the zoo, you support nature: your admission ticket allows us to save endangered species and to carry out all our projects. We work hard every day to make your visit fun and exciting; choose the details to plan your day!
We are here for you every day of the year
Admission hours vary throughout the year. View our tickets and prices for you or your group before visiting us.
Did you know that...
We collaborate with other zoos
We continuously share information and experience with the zoos and aquariums that are part of the Italian, European and global Associations.
You are our only financier
The GZP is supported by paying visitors, many of whom choose to become members to support the Zoo and its mission.
The animals do not come from the wild
They were either born here or relocated from other zoos, thanks to projects for the conservation of endangered species or cooperation programmes between zoo.