Tickets and opening times
Every day (from Monday to Sunday) from 9.30 a.m.-5.00 p.m.
(Last admission is at 4.00 p.m.)
The management reserves the right to change admission times due to technical or meteorological reasons.
Did you know that...
We collaborate with other Zoos
We continuously share information and experience with the zoos and aquariums that are part of the Italian, European and global Associations.
You are our only financier
The GZP is supported by paying visitors, many of whom choose to become members to support the Zoo and its mission
The animals do not come from the wild
They were either born here or relocated from other zoos, thanks to projects for the conservation of endangered species or cooperation programmes between zoos.
Choose to experience the Zoo for a single day or a whole year or participate in the life of the GZP by adopting a species.
You can buy the ticket or yearly pass directly at the ticket office in the Park or online
For groups and schools, the purchase of tickets is only possible at the Park ticket office
Individual ticket
Available at Ticket office
Adult € 19
Senior € 18,00
(adult over 65 years)
Child € 15,00
(children aged 3-10 years)
Open dated ticket
Available online
Adult € 19
Senior € 18,00
(adult over 65 years)
Child € 15,00
(children aged 3-10 years)
Dynamic fixed date ticket
Available only online
Adult from € 17
Senior from € 16,00
(adult over 65 years)
Child from € 13,00
(children aged 3-10 years)
Yearly pass (12 months)
Available at Ticket office and online
Adult € 43.50
Child € 32.50
(children aged 3-10 years)
2 Adult + 1 Child € 108.50 2
Adult + 2 Child € 129.50
1 Adult + 1 Child € 70
Further InformationGroup tickets
Available only at Ticket office
(minimum 20 paying persons)
Adults € 14,00
Child € 11,00 (from 3 to 13 years)
(Free admission for one parent)
The group leader must buy the tickets for all participants.
Schools tickets and Summer schools
Available only at Ticket office
(Nursery, Primary and Secondary Schools)
Additional teacher € 14.00
Pupil € 11.00
(Free admission for one teacher for every 10 students)
The school must buy the tickets for all participants.
You will get a free ticket
Silver adoption
€ 49,00
1 Full ticket (expiry date 12/31/2025)
Infopack of your adopted species via e-mail
Adoption certificate via e-mail (within 3 days of purchase)
You will get a free ticket
Gold adoption
€ 89,00
1 Full ticket (expiry date 12/31/2025)
Infopack of your adopted species
Adoption certificate
One soft toy of your adopted species (20 cm)
Experiences at GZP
Meet the penguins, immerse yourself in the wonder of the Jurassic World in 3D, experience the Zoo at night, get close to the lemurs or listen to a campfire story …
You are spoiled for choice!