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Ring-tailed Lemur

Lemur catta


The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) classifies living species according to criteria that take into account their level of threat of extinction: the Red List is an indispensable tool for coordinating nature conservation actions, a veritable barometer of the health of our Planet.

EEP Project

This species is included in EAZA’s (European Association of Zoos and Aquariums) EEP programme for breeding endangered species.

Lives in: Southwestern Madagascar

Animals living in the same geographical area

Adopt a Lemur

Finanzia direttamente i progetti di conservazione che sostengono proteggono gli animali nei loro habitat naturali. Se Adotti un lemure ci aiuterai a sostenere il progetto VOLOHASY portato avanti dall’Università di Torino nella foresta di Maromizaha.

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