The threats
Indri are threatened by deforestation caused by setting fire to their habitat to make way for vast plantations and also illegal timber trade. This is compounded by hunting for their meat and fur.
In the Maromizaha Dragon Tree Forest in eastern Madagascar, the team of primatologists and ethologists at the Ethology Laboratory of the Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology (DBIOS) have been working for 15 years to gather more and more information on this wonderful primate that cannot be bred outside its habitat.
Indri are threatened by deforestation caused by setting fire to their habitat to make way for vast plantations and also illegal timber trade. This is compounded by hunting for their meat and fur.
The first thing to do is to try and protect this wonderful primate by carrying out is to surveys on the number of reproductive nuclei.
Indri are capable of emitting complex, singing sounds that vary according to whether it is a male or a female singing. There are also individual timbres, and recognising them is crucial to counting individuals and collecting behavioural data.
It is of great importance to organise divulgation among the local population to counter the illegal killing of Indri.
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