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In Vietnam for Asian Otters

Save Vietnam’s Wildlife (SVW) is an association working in Vietnam to save pangolins, binturongs and Asian otters from extinction. Founded in 2014, SVW works in synergy with forest rangers making an important contribution to the recovery, rehabilitation and release of animals that are victims of illegal trade.

The threats

Asian otters (Aonyx cinereus) are classified as ‘Vulnerable’ by the IUCN (International Union of Nature) due to the destruction of their habitat through land reclamation and pollution of stream water. In recent years, moreover, illegal trade has increased as otters are sold both as pets and for use in ‘otter cafés’. The latter are expanding in Japan; they are bars where it is possible to pet wild animals (including otters) while sipping a drink. The cubs are really wonderful and this fuels demand.

The project

In order to combat poaching, the SVW has organised a team of 16 young people between the ages of 20 and 30 who patrol an area of 950 km2 and work with National Park rangers to report any violations they manage to document.

Animals intercepted in illegal activities are seized and if possible, are released into the wild after a recovery process. This is effected by choosing the most suitable and protected locations.

In order to fight illegality, the development of a culture of conservation is important and this is why SVW volunteers are extremely involved in awareness-raising activities involving school children and adults.


    From 2014 to date, the SVW’s activities have resulted in 37 individuals being rescued from the meshes of poaching and 21 released into the wild.

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